Wednesday, January 28, 2009

King Abdullah 1947

"As the Arabs see the Jews"
His Majesty King Abdullah,
The American Magazine
November, 1947

I am especially delighted to address an American audience, for the tragic problem of Palestine will never be solved without American understanding, American sympathy, American support.
So many billions of words have been written about Palestine—perhaps more than on any other subject in history—that I hesitate to add to them. Yet I am compelled to do so, for I am reluctantly convinced that the world in general, and America in particular, knows almost nothing of the true case for the Arabs.
We Arabs follow, perhaps far more than you think, the press of America. We are frankly disturbed to find that for every word printed on the Arab side, a thousand are printed on the Zionist side.
There are many reasons for this. You have many millions of Jewish citizens interested in this question. They are highly vocal and wise in the ways of publicity. There are few Arab citizens in America, and we are as yet unskilled in the technique of modern propaganda.
The results have been alarming for us. In your press we see a horrible caricature and are told it is our true portrait. In all justice, we cannot let this pass by default.
Our case is quite simple: For nearly 2,000 years Palestine has been almost 100 per cent Arab. It is still preponderantly Arab today, in spite of enormous Jewish immigration. But if this immigration continues we shall soon be outnumbered—a minority in our home.
Palestine is a small and very poor country, about the size of your state of Vermont. Its Arab population is only about 1,200,000.
Already we have had forced on us, against our will, some 600,000 Zionist Jews. We are threatened with many hundreds of thousands more.
Our position is so simple and natural that we are amazed it should even be questioned. It is exactly the same position you in America take in regard to the unhappy European Jews. You are sorry for them, but you do not want them in your country.
We do not want them in ours, either. Not because they are Jews, but because they are foreigners. We would not want hundreds of thousands of foreigners in our country, be they Englishmen or Norwegians or Brazilians or whatever.
Think for a moment: In the last 25 years we have had one third of our entire population forced upon us. In America that would be the equivalent of 45,000,000 complete strangers admitted to your country, over your violent protest, since 1921. How would you have reacted to that?
Because of our perfectly natural dislike of being overwhelmed in our own homeland, we are called blind nationalists and heartless anti-Semites. This charge would be ludicrous were it not so dangerous.
No people on earth have been less "anti-Semitic" than the Arabs. The persecution of the Jews has been confined almost entirely to the Christian nations of the West. Jews, themselves, will admit that never since the Great Dispersion did Jews develop so freely and reach such importance as in Spain when it was an Arab possession. With very minor exceptions, Jews have lived for many centuries in the Middle East, in complete peace and friendliness with their Arab neighbours.
Damascus, Baghdad, Beirut and other Arab centres have always
contained large and prosperous Jewish colonies. Until the Zionist invasion of Palestine began, these Jews received the most generous treatment—far, far better than in Christian Europe. Now, unhappily, for the first time in history, these Jews are beginning to feel the effects of Arab resistance to the Zionist assault.. Most of them are as anxious as Arabs to stop it. Most of these Jews who have found happy homes among us resent, as we do, the coming of these strangers.
I was puzzled for a long time about the odd belief which apparently persists in America that Palestine has somehow "always been a Jewish land." Recently an American I talked to cleared up this mystery. He pointed out that the only things most Americans know about Palestine are what they read in the Bible. It was a Jewish land in those days, they reason, and they assume it has always remained so.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. It is absurd to reach so far back into the mists of history to argue about who should have Palestine today, and I apologise for it. Yet the Jews do this, and I must reply to their "historic claim." I wonder if the world has ever seen a stranger sight than a group of people seriously pretending to claim a land because their ancestors lived there some 2,000 years ago!
If you suggest that I am biased, I invite you to read any sound history of the period and verify the facts.
Such fragmentary records as we have indicate that the Jews were wandering nomads from Iraq who moved to southern Turkey, came south to Palestine, stayed there a short time, and then passed to Egypt, where they remained about 400 years. About 1300 BC (according to your calendar) they left Egypt and gradually conquered most—but not all—of the inhabitants of Palestine.
It is significant that the Philistines—not the Jews—gave their name to the country: "Palestine" is merely the Greek form of "Philistia."
Only once, during the empire of David and Solomon, did the Jews ever control nearly—but not all—the land which is today Palestine. This empire lasted only 70 years, ending in 926 BC. Only 250 years later the Kingdom of Judah had shrunk to a small province around Jerusalem, barely a quarter of modern Palestine.
In 63 BC the Jews were conquered by Roman Pompey, and never again had even the vestige of independence. The Roman Emperor Hadrian finally wiped them out about 135 AD. He utterly destroyed Jerusalem, rebuilt under another name, and for hundreds of years no Jew was permitted to enter it. A handful of Jews remained in Palestine but the vast majority were killed or scattered to other countries, in the Diaspora, or the Great Dispersion. From that time Palestine ceased to be a Jewish country, in any conceivable sense.
This was 1,815 years ago, and yet the Jews solemnly pretend they still own Palestine! If such fantasy were allowed, how the map of the world would dance about!
Italians might claim England, which the Romans held so long. England might claim France, "homeland" of the conquering Normans. And the French Normans might claim Norway, where their ancestors originated. And incidentally, we Arabs might claim Spain, which we held for 700 years.
Many Mexicans might claim Spain, "homeland" of their forefathers. They might even claim Texas, which was Mexican until 100 years ago.
And suppose the American Indians claimed the "homeland" of which they were the sole, native, and ancient occupants until only some 450 years ago!
I am not being facetious. All these claims are just as valid—or just as fantastic—as the Jewish "historic connection" with Palestine. Most are more valid.
In any event, the great Moslem expansion about 650 AD finally settled things. It dominated Palestine completely. From that day on, Palestine was solidly Arabic in population, language, and religion.
When British armies entered the country during the last war, they found 500,000 Arabs and only 65,000 Jews. If solid, uninterrupted Arab occupation for nearly 1,300 years does not make a country "Arab", what does? The Jews say, and rightly, that Palestine is the home of their religion. It is likewise the birthplace of Christianity, but would any Christian nation claim it on that account? In passing, let me say that the Christian Arabs—and there are many hundreds of thousands of them in the Arab World—are in absolute agreement with all other Arabs in opposing the Zionist invasion of Palestine.
May I also point out that Jerusalem is, after Mecca and Medina, the holiest place in Islam. In fact, in the early days of our religion, Moslems prayed toward Jerusalem instead of Mecca.
The Jewish "religious claim" to Palestine is as absurd as the
"historic claim." The Holy Places, sacred to three great religions, must be open to all, the monopoly of none. Let us not confuse religion and politics.
We are told that we are inhumane and heartless because do not accept with open arms the perhaps 200,000 Jews in Europe who suffered so frightfully under Nazi cruelty, and who even now—almost three years after war's end—still languish in cold, depressing camps.
Let me underline several facts. The unimaginable persecution of the Jews was not done by the Arabs: it was done by a Christian nation in the West. The war which ruined Europe and made it almost impossible for these Jews to rehabilitate themselves was fought by the Christian nations of the West.. The rich and empty portions of the earth belong, not to the Arabs, but to the Christian nations of the West. And yet, to ease their consciences, these Christian nations of the West are asking Palestine—a poor and tiny Moslem country of the East—to accept the entire burden. "We have hurt these people terribly," cries the West to the East. "Won't you please take care of them for us? "We find neither logic nor justice in this. Are we therefore "cruel and heartless nationalists"?
We are a generous people: we are proud that "Arab hospitality" is a phrase famous throughout the world. We are a humane people: no one was shocked more than we by the Hitlerite terror. No one pities the present plight of the desperate European Jews more than we.
But we say that Palestine has already sheltered 600,000 refugees. We believe that is enough to expect of us—even too much. We believe it is now the turn of the rest of the world to accept some of them.
I will be entirely frank with you. There is one thing the Arab world simply cannot understand. Of all the nations of the earth, America is most insistent that something be done for these suffering Jews of Europe. This feeling does credit to the humanity for which America is famous, and to that glorious inscription on your Statue of Liberty. And yet this same America—the richest, greatest, most powerful nation the world has ever known—refuses to accept more than a token handful of these same Jews herself!
I hope you will not think I am being bitter about this. I have tried hard to understand that mysterious paradox, and I confess I cannot. Nor can any other Arab.
Perhaps you have been informed that "the Jews in Europe want to go to no other place except Palestine."
This myth is one of the greatest propaganda triumphs of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, the organisation which promotes with fanatic zeal the emigration to Palestine. It is a subtle half-truth, thus doubly dangerous.
The astounding truth is that nobody on earth really knows where these unfortunate Jews really want to go! You would think that in so grave a problem, the American, British, and other authorities responsible for the European Jews would have made a very careful survey, probably by vote, to find out where each
Jew actually wants to go. Amazingly enough this has never been done!
The Jewish Agency has prevented it.
Some time ago the American Military Governor in Germany was asked at a press conference how he was so certain that all Jews there wanted to go to Palestine. His answer was simple: "My Jewish advisors tell me so." He admitted no poll had ever been made. Preparations were indeed begun for one, but the Jewish Agency stepped in to stop it.
The truth is that the Jews in German camps are now subjected to a Zionist pressure campaign which learned much from the Nazi terror. It is dangerous for a Jew to say that he would rather go to some other country, not Palestine. Such dissenters have been severely beaten, and worse.
Not long ago, in Palestine, nearly 1,000 Austrian Jews informed the international refugee organisation that they would like to go back to Austria, and plans were made to repatriate them.
The Jewish Agency heard of this, and exerted enough political
pressure to stop it. It would be bad propaganda for Zionism if Jews began leaving Palestine. The nearly 1,000 Austrian are still there,against their will.
The fact is that most of the European Jews are Western in culture and outlook, entirely urban in experience and habits. They cannot really have their hearts set on becoming pioneers in the barren, arid, cramped land which is Palestine.
One thing, however, is undoubtedly true. As matters stand now, most refugee Jews in Europe would, indeed, vote for Palestine, simply because they know no other country will have them.
If you or I were given a choice between a near-prison camp for the rest of our lives—or Palestine—we would both choose Palestine, too.
But open up any other alternative to them—give them any other
choice, and see what happens!
No poll, however, will be worth anything unless the nations of the earth are willing to open their doors—just a little—to the Jews. In other words, if in such a poll a Jew says he wants to go to Sweden, Sweden must be willing to accept him. If he votes for America, you must let him come in.
Any other kind of poll would be a farce. For the desperate Jew, this is no idle testing of opinion: this is a grave matter of life or death. Unless he is absolutely sure that his vote means something, he will always vote for Palestine, so as not to risk his bird in the hand for one in the bush.
In any event, Palestine can accept no more. The 65,000 Jews in
Palestine in 1918 have jumped to 600,000 today. We Arabs have
increased, too, but not by immigration. The Jews were then a mere 11 per cent of our population.. Today they are one third of it.
The rate of increase has been terrifying. In a few more years—unless stopped now—it will overwhelm us, and we shall be an importantminority in our own home.
Surely the rest of the wide world is rich enough and generous enough to find a place for 200,000 Jews—about one third the number that tiny, poor Palestine has already sheltered. For the rest of the world, it is hardly a drop in the bucket. For us it means national suicide.
We are sometimes told that since the Jews came to Palestine, the Arab standard of living has improved. This is a most complicated question. But let us even assume, for the argument, that it is true. We would rather be a bit poorer, and masters of our own home. Is this unnatural?
The sorry story of the so-called "Balfour Declaration," which started Zionist immigration into Palestine, is too complicated to repeat here in detail. It is grounded in broken promises to the Arabs—promises made in cold print which admit no denying.
We utterly deny its validity. We utterly deny the right of Great Britain to give away Arab land for a "national home" for an entirely foreign people. Even the League of Nations sanction does not alter this. At the time, not a single Arab state was a member of the League. We were not allowed to say a word in our own defense.
I must point out, again in friendly frankness, that America was nearly as responsible as Britain for this Balfour Declaration.
President Wilson approved it before it was issued, and the American Congress adopted it word for word in a joint resolution on 30th June,1922.
In the 1920s, Arabs were annoyed and insulted by Zionist immigration, but not alarmed by it. It was steady, but fairly small, as even the Zionist founders thought it would remain. Indeed for some years, more Jews left Palestine than entered it—in 1927 almost twice as many.
But two new factors, entirely unforeseen by Britain or the League or America or the most fervent Zionist, arose in the early thirties to raise the immigration to undreamed heights. One was the World Depression; the second the rise of Hitler.
In 1932, the year before Hitler came to power, only 9,500 Jews came to Palestine. We did not welcome them, but we were not afraid that, at that rate, our solid Arab majority would ever be in danger.
But the next year—the year of Hitler—it jumped to 30,000! In 1934 it was 42,000! In 1935 it reached 61,000!
It was no longer the orderly arrival of idealist Zionists. Rather, all Europe was pouring its frightened Jews upon us. Then, at last, we, too, became frightened. We knew that unless this enormous influx stopped, we were, as Arabs, doomed in our Palestine homeland. And we have not changed our minds.
I have the impression that many Americans believe the trouble in Palestine is very remote from them, that America had little to do with it, and that your only interest now is that of a humane bystander.
I believe that you do not realise how directly you are, as a nation,responsible in general for the whole Zionist move and specifically for the present terrorism. I call this to your attention because I am certain that if you realise your responsibility you will act fairly to admit it and assume it.
Quite aside from official American support for the "National Home" of the Balfour Declaration, the Zionist settlements in Palestine would have been almost impossible, on anything like the current scale, without American money. This was contributed by American Jewry in an idealistic effort to help their fellows.
The motive was worthy: the result were disastrous. The contributions were by private individuals, but they were almost entirely Americans, and, as a nation, only America can answer for it.
The present catastrophe may be laid almost entirely at your door. Your government, almost alone in the world, is insisting on the immediate admission of 100,000 more Jews into Palestine—to be followed by countless additional ones. This will have the most frightful consequences in bloody chaos beyond anything ever hinted at in Palestine before.
It is your press and political leadership, almost alone in the world, who press this demand. It is almost entirely American money which hires or buys the "refugee ships" that steam illegally toward
Palestine: American money which pays their crews. The illegal
immigration from Europe is arranged by the Jewish Agency, supported almost entirely by American funds. It is American dollars which support the terrorists, which buy the bullets and pistols that kill British soldiers—your allies—and Arab citizens—your friends.
We in the Arab world were stunned to hear that you permit open
advertisements in newspapers asking for money to finance these
terrorists, to arm them openly and deliberately for murder. We could not believe this could really happen in the modern world. Now we must believe it: we have seen the advertisements with our own eyes.
I point out these things because nothing less than complete frankness will be of use. The crisis is too stark for mere polite vagueness which means nothing.
I have the most complete confidence in the fair-mindedness and generosity of the American public. We Arabs ask no favours. We ask only that you know the full truth, not half of it. We ask only that when you judge the Palestine question, you put yourselves in our place.
What would your answer be if some outside agency told you that you must accept in America many millions of utter strangers in your midst—enough to dominate your country—merely because they insisted on going to America, and because their forefathers had once lived there some 2,000 years ago?
Our answer is the same. And what would be your action if, in spite of your refusal, this outside agency began forcing them on you?
Ours will be the same.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Norman Finkelstein: Israel is committing a holocaust in Gaza

Norman Finkelstein: Israel is committing a holocaust in Gaza
Jewish-American Professor Norman Finkelstein has said Israel, a state
on the ashes of the Holocaust, is now committing a holocaust against
Palestinians in Gaza. American Jewish Professor Norman Finkelstein has
heavily criticized Israel over its operation in Gaza. A son of Holocaust
survivors, Finkelstein has been barred from Israel for 10 years and was
denied tenure at DePaul University in Chicago because of his critical stance
on Israeli policies.

According to Finkelstein, Israel, a state built on the ashes of the
Holocaust, is now committing a holocaust against Palestinians in Gaza. In a
telephone interview with Today's Zaman, Finkelstein said Israel was a
"terrorist state" created by the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948.
Praising Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the Turkish people for
their courage in supporting Palestinians, Finkelstein referred to Israel as
a "satanic" and "lunatic" state. Finkelstein's parents survived the Nazi
camps in World War II and then immigrated to the US.

After his book "The Holocaust Industry," in which he accused many prominent
Jewish leaders of abusing the victims of the Holocaust, was published,
Finkelstein was almost declared persona non grata by America's influential
Zionist circles.

*What does Israel want to achieve with this operation?*

Basically, Israel wants to achieve two goals: to restore what it calls its
deterrence capacity -- that means to spread fear among Arab states about
itself. This is a core principle of Israeli strategic doctrine. Arab states
have to be afraid of Israel, afraid of its military might, and Arabs should
do what Israelis want. They shall follow Israeli orders.

Israel's military deterrence suffered a setback in May 2000, when Hezbullah
succeeded to expel Israeli occupying forces from south Lebanon. Almost
immediately in the aftermath of the failure, Israel planned another war with
Hezbullah to re-establish its deterrence capacity. In 2006, after long
preparation and using its air force, Israel suffered another ignominious
defeat in Lebanon against Hezbullah.

The second goal was to defeat the Palestinian peace offensive. This has been
another basic principle of Israeli doctrine: You do not negotiate with
Arabs. You give them orders. The Palestinian organization Hamas was becoming
too moderate; it was transmitting, giving the signal that it was ready to go
along with the two-state settlement based on pre-1967 borders. The
leadership of Syria and the West Bank have also been making statements like
this. So Israel started to get worried that it would be obliged to negotiate
a settlement which the international community has been supporting for the
last 30 years.

Those who are against this settlement are the US or Israel, backed by the
US. So when Hamas was becoming moderate and holding to the cease-fire it
agreed in June 2008, it was showing herself to be a credible negotiating
partner. Hamas was standing by its word. In the meantime, Israel has
neglected another core principle of cease-fire, namely easing the blockade.
So Israel had to defeat this Palestinian peace offensive. It always does
this. It provokes Palestinians into reacting, and it wants to either destroy
Hamas or inflicts so much damage that Hamas will have to say it will never
negotiate with Israel. That is exactly what Israel wants. Israel never wants
a moderate negotiating partner because if there is one, pressure on Israel
will grow. Hamas is willing for a settlement; Hamas stands by its word. But
Israel does not want to negotiate.

*What you are basically saying is that Israel is not interested in peace at

Israel wants peace in its terms, and its terms are that West Bank should
belong to their state.

*Will the operation be successful?*

First of all, we have to use proper language. There is no operation, and
there is no war. What is happening is a slaughter, a massacre. When you have
200 to 300 kids killed, that is not a war. When you have a strong military
going in against a defenseless population, that is not a war. When you shoot
a fish in a barrel, we do not call it a war. As an Israeli columnist put it,
it does not need too much courage to send jets and helicopter gunships to
shoot inside a prison. What just happened was not a war. One-third of the
casualties were children. It was not a war; it was a just a massacre.

In terms of the Israelis' goals, you have to say it was successful. It
inspired fear among Palestinians and Arabs generally that Israel is a
lunatic state and that you have to follow its orders. No. 2, it destroys
Hamas as a negotiating partner. You now hear from Hamas that it will not
negotiate peace. That is what Israel wanted.

*On your Web site, there is an argument that the grandchildren of Holocaust
survivors are doing to the Palestinians exactly what was done to them by the
Nazis. Do you agree with that?*

I think Israel, as a number of commentators pointed out, is becoming an
insane state. And we have to be honest about that. While the rest of the
world wants peace, Europe wants peace, the US wants peace, but this state
wants war, war and war. In the first week of the massacres, there were
reports in the Israeli press that Israel did not want to put all its ground
forces in Gaza because it was preparing attacks on Iran. Then there were
reports it was planning attacks on Lebanon. It is a lunatic state.

*But do you agree with the characterization?*

Look at the pictures and decide for yourself. I am not going to tell people
what they should think about it. But what I say is they should look at the
pictures and decide for themselves. (For the pictures go to:

*Why have you been barred from entering Israel for 10 years? As the son of
Holocaust survivors, you cannot enter Israel. *

Let's be clear on a certain point. I was not entering Israel; I have no
interest in going to Israel. I was going to see my friends in the occupied
Palestinian territories. And Israel blocked me to go and see my friends in
the West Bank. Under international law, I do not think they have any right
to do that! I was not posing any security threat to Israel. The day after I
was denied entering Israel, the editorial of Haaretz was asking, "Who is
afraid of Norman Finkelstein?" They were also saying that I was not a
security threat. I do not have any particular interest to go and visit that
lunatic state.

*There are Jewish intellectuals who now call Israel a "terrorist state." Is
that a correct naming?*

I am not sure how you cannot agree with that. The goal of the operation was
to terrorize the civilian population so that Palestinians would be afraid of
Israel. This is the dictionary definition of terrorism. The dictionary
definition of terrorism is targeting a civilian population to achieve a
political goal. The goal of this operation or rather massacre was to
terrorize the civilian population and to wreck and destroy as much civilian
infrastructure such that the Palestinians would submit. When you attack
schools, mosques, ambulances, hospitals, UN relief organizations, what is
that? If this is not terrorism, then what is terrorism?

*In your famous book, "The Holocaust Industry," you argue that the state of
Israel, one of the world's most formidable military powers, with a
horrendous human rights record, cast itself as a victim state in order to
garner immunity to criticism. Have we seen this during the Gaza operation?*

They tried to use the Holocaust; it was funny in a very sick way. The leader
of the American Jewish Committee, David Harris, wrote an article, and he
said it is no coincidence that this war in Gaza is occurring around Jan. 27,
which is Holocaust Remembrance Day. He wants to pretend some connection. In
fact there is a connection, and the connection is Israel is committing a
holocaust in Gaza. But that is not the connection he had in mind. He wanted
to play the Holocaust card; I think that it is not working very much
anymore. It was clear that during this last massacre in Gaza, liberal Jewish
public opinion turned against Israel. If you look at the petitions,
demonstrations, letters, support to Israel, not only in the international
community but also among the Jewish community, is diminishing. So the
Holocaust card, the anti-Semitic card, is not working as efficiently as it
was working once.

*You will probably be called anti-Semitic as well.*

I do not think this propaganda is successful anymore.

*In your book "Beyond Chutzpah," you argue that Israel was created after the
ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, but the question whether it was
premeditated remains to be answered. If it is premeditated, then can it be
called genocide?*

Well, it was premeditated, and I think the record is pretty clear. Even
Israel's former minister of foreign affairs, Shlomo Ben-Ami, in his book
published several years ago called "Scars of War," said that it was quite
clear that it was a premeditated expulsion in 1948 and it was anchored in
the Zionist philosophy of transfer. Ethnic cleansings are ethnic cleansings,
and they are war crimes.

*Why do you think US media is so one-sided and so pro-Israeli? *

I think it has two components. First of all, Israel serves American
interests in the region and American media always give a free pass to those
states that serve American interests. That is the overall picture and not
much different from other parts of the world. The horrendous governments
like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, they also get free passes in the American media.
This is the larger context. And there is, of course, the secondary factor,
which is the ethnic element. In many of these newspapers and the media in
general, there is a large Jewish presence, and there is a sense of Jewish
ethnic solidarity, which plays a role. But I think we have to qualify the
secondary factor in two ways. We should not lose sight of the primary
factor, which is Israel is the client state of US. No. 2: In this past war,
the liberal Jewish population mostly under the age of 40 completely defected
from the war, the massacre. They have been opposed to the massacres from the
first day.

*Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been very critical of
Israel on Gaza, and some American circles lambasted him in return. What do
you think about his stance?*

I wish he had done further. I wish he had gone as far as Qatar, Mauritania,
Bolivia and Venezuela in breaking diplomatic relations with that lunatic
state. But as far as he has gone, the point on which he stands, has been
terrific. And I was glad to see Hamas respected the gestures of the Turkish
government and said they would be willing to have Turkish troops stationed
on "our border." That is a very high praise for the Turkish government.

Turks are showing Palestinians compassion, decency and justice. All the
Turkish people should take pride of this stance as was the case on the eve
of the American invasion of Iraq in 2003. It was the Turkish people and
government who showed courage. Ninety-six percent of Turkish people opposed
the war in Iraq. The Turkish government refused to give Americans use of
their land to attack Iraq. Now Turkish people and Turkish government are
redeeming themselves again by standing on what is right, what is decent and
what is just. I say the highest praise for Erdoğan and the Turkish people.

*How do you feel about Israel's operation in Gaza personally as the son of
Holocaust survivors?*

It has been a long time since I felt any emotional connection with the state
of Israel, which relentlessly and brutally and inhumanly keeps these
vicious, murderous wars. It is a vandal state. There is a Russian writer who
once described vandal states as Genghis Khan with a telegraph. Israel is
Genghis Khan with a computer. I feel no emotion of affinity with that state.
I have some good friends and their families there, and of course I would not
want any of them to be hurt. That said, sometimes I feel that Israel has
come out of the boils of the hell, a satanic state. Ninety percent of the
population continues to cheer, to exalt and feel proud and heroic. They send
a Sherman tank to a playground and torch children. Is this heroism? Is this

*You were not allowed to teach at DePaul University despite a very good
academic record and also had some problems in getting your Ph.D. from
Princeton. Why?*

Well, I had some problems. I really cannot discuss my problems in the face
of what is going on in Gaza. It will be so silly, trivial and stupid. Three
hundred or so children -- they were incinerated to death; phosphor bombs
were thrown indiscriminately over Gaza. Everything these people wanted to
rebuild, rebuild and rebuild was destroyed again. This state invaded in
1978, again in 1982, again in 1993, again in 1996, again in 2006, and 2008,
and it always destroys, destroys and destroys. And then these satanic
narcissistic people throw their hands up in the air and ask, "Why doesn't
anybody love us? Why don't our neighbors want us to be here?" Why would

19 January 2009, Monday

source: tukey news

The West kills Muslims, puts the blame on clash of civilizations, says author Pamuk

The West kills Muslims, puts the blame on clash of civilizations, says author Pamuk
Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun interviewed Turkey's Nobel Prize-winning author Orhan Pamuk in its Jan. 17 edition.
Nobel-prize winning Turkish author Orhan Pamuk has been reported as saying that the West uses Samuel Huntington's thought of the "clash of civilizations" as an excuse to justify the killings of more Muslims, in the Jan. 17 edition of the Japanese Yomiuri Shimbun daily

The Yomiuri Shimbun, the most widely circulated newspaper in Japan, featured an interview with Pamuk, Turkey's first Nobel laureate author, in its Saturday edition. Pamuk said the West uses the clash of civilizations as a pretext to justify the killing of more Muslims. "Samuel Huntington's thought [of a 'clash of civilizations'] is an interesting idea. There is some truth in it. But as it is represented by the international media, it has become an idea that only paves the way to more fights and more killings. The West kills more Muslims they are afraid of or embarrassed by and says it is 'a clash of civilizations.' It is not a clash of civilizations. It is just killing people," he remarked.

Pamuk said people of different origins, ethnic backgrounds, opinions, races, religions, and even with a history of fighting each other should and can live together. "This is an ideal I believe in. You may say, 'Oh, naive Orhan, they can only kill each other.' But I don't want to believe that humanity is that bad," he noted. He showed Kurds and Turks living together for several centuries as an example of his theory. "Kurds and Turks have been living [alongside each other]. If the Turkish government is wise, they can continue to live [side by side] for quite a long time. So what I believe sometimes may contradict what happened in history. Cynics do not have ideals. I have ideals. I believe that this is possible, and that's why I want Turkey to join the European Union, which has higher standards of respect for different cultures and multiculturalism," he stated.

Pamuk also focused on the political and social atmosphere in Turkey. He said the clash between conservatives and secularists harms the country. "The representatives of the secularists, who are heavily embedded in the state apparatus, secularists and the army, are clashing with the popular Islamic voters. And this clash is really harming the country. Both sides are responsible for it. And most of the time [the] lower classes and women suffer from it. Islamic boys can go to universities, but women cannot if they wear headscarves. Islamist politicians go into Parliament and enjoy life, but women cannot if they wear headscarves," he remarked.

Pamuk said he is disturbed by army members raising their voices for or against each development in the country and complained about frequent military coups d'état. "Once [every] 10 years we have a military coup. In the last 10 years we have not had one, thank God. But every day, the army says don't do this, don't do that. I don't like that," he said.
He also expressed his will that Turkey join the EU, but with little hope that it will be achieved soon. "I [have] made it clear for the last seven years that I am for Turkey's joining the EU. ... Once [Turkey joins the EU] -- I am now pessimistic, [for] it does not seem it [will be] achieved soon -- it will have a significant meaning. I know from the questions by Iranian and Arab journalists that the liberals and secular intellectuals of the Muslim countries are so much interested in and have so much hope because they also want to have secularism and liberal democracy in their countries. They also want to flourish economically and enjoy freedom and liberty, respect for privacy and minorities in their countries. Turkey's entry into the EU will have a strong impact on world politics, especially in the Middle East and Islamic regions," Pamuk added.

Monday, January 19, 2009

What the real economy crisis is like!

If you think that the current economic crisis is something that has never happened in history before, you may be wrong! After the collapse of the agriculture sector in Zimbabwe in 2000, the inflation in that country skyrocketed to 231 million percent a year! Just think about it - 231 000 000%! Unemployment went up to 80% and a third of country's population left it.
Let's now have a look at the photos that you may not be able to see anywhere else in the world.
Here is a boy getting change in 200 000 dollar notes!

One 200 000 dollar note equals less than $0.10 cents.

December 22nd, a new note of 500 000 dollars introduced to the market!

Next - 750 000 dollars.

January - new note of 10 million dollars.

This US $10 dollar note is 10 times worth more than the 10 million dollars Zimbabwe note.

A case worth 65 billion Zimbabwe dollars which equals to $2000 US dollars.

This guy is going to a supermarket. The exchange rate is 25 million Zimbabwe dollars for 1 US dollar.

This mountain of cash is worth $100.

50 Million note is then introduced!

Next is 250 million dollars note!

Sorry, how much is this t-shirt?
- It`s cheap, only about 3 billion dollars!

May - a note of 500 million dollars is introduced!

June - note worth 25 and 50 billion are printed.

And finally - 100 billion dollars note!

What can you buy for it? Well, these 3 eggs for example.

Thats how people went to restaurants!

And the bills:

In August, the government devalued Zimbabwe dollar by removing 10 zeros from notes.

However, inflation kept going up and in September for this amount of cash you could only buy 4 tomatoes.

And for this - some bread.

And then it started again: 20 000 dollars note in September.

50 000 a couple of weeks ago!

They`ve got a pretty good chance of hitting billion dollar notes again by the end of this year!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Extracts of speech by Hafez A.B Mohamed: Director-General, Al Baraka Bank.

o World Jewish Population. 14 million
o Distribution: 7 m in America
5 m in Asia
2 m in Europe
100 thousand in Africa
o World Muslim Population: 1.5 billion
o Distribution: 1 billion in Asia/Mid-East
400 M in Africa
44 M in Europe
6 M in the Americas
o Every fifth human being is a Muslim.
o For every single Hindu there are two Muslims
o For every Buddhist there are two Muslims
o For every Jew there are 107 Muslims
o Yet the 14 million Jews are more powerful than the entire 1.5 billion Muslims


Here are some of the reasons.

Movers of Current History
o Albert Einstein Jewish
o Sigmund Freud Jewish
o Karl Marx Jewish
o Paul Samuelson Jewish
o Milton Friedman Jewish

Medical Milestones
o Vaccinating Needle: Benjamin Ruben Jewish
o Polio Vaccine Jonas Salk Jewish
o Leukaemia Drug Gertrude Elion Jewish
o Hepatitis B Baruch Blumberg Jewish
o Syphilis Drug Paul Ehrlich Jewish
o Neuro muscular Elie Metchnikoff Jewish
o Endocrinology Andrew Schally Jewish
o Cognitive therapy. Aaron Beck Jewish
o Contraceptive Pill Gregory Pincus Jewish
o Understanding of Human Eye. G. Wald Jewish
o Embryology. Stanley Cohen Jewish
o Kidney Dialysis Willem Kloffcame Jewish

Nobel Prize Winners
o In the past 105 years, 14 million Jews have won 180 Nobel prizes whilst 1.5 billion Muslims have contributed only 3 Nobel winners

Inventions that changed History
o Micro- Processing Chip. Stanley Mezor Jewish
o Nuclear Chain Reactor Leo Sziland Jewish
o Optical Fibre Cable Peter Schultz Jewish
o Traffic Lights Charles Adler Jewish
o Stainless Steel Benno Strauss Jewish
o Sound Movies Isador Kisee Jewish
o Telephone Microphone Emile Berliner Jewish
o Video Tape Recorder Charles Ginsburg Jewish

Influential Global Business
o Polo Ralph Lauren Jewish
o Coca Cola Jewish
o Levi's Jeans Levi Strauss Jewish
o Sawbuck's Howard Schultz Jewish
o Google Sergey Brin Jewish
o Dell Computers Michael Dell Jewish
o Oracle Larry Ellison Jewish
o DKNY Donna Karan Jewish
o Baskin & Robbins Irv Robbins Jewish
o Dunkin Donuts Bill Rosenberg Jewish

Influential Intellectuals/Politicians
o Henry Kissinger , US Sec of State Jewish
o Richard Levin, PresidentYaleUniversity Jewish
o Alan Greenspan , US Federal Reserve Jewish
o Joseph Lieberman Jewish
o Madeleine Albright , US Sec of State Jewish
o CasperWeinberger , US Sec of Defence Jewish
o Maxim Litvinov , USSR Foreign Minister Jewish
o DavidMarshal , Singapore Chief Minister Jewish
o Isaacs Isaacs, Gov-GenAustralia Jewish
o Benjamin Disraeli, British Statesman Jewish
o Yevgeny Primakov, Russian PM Jewish
o Barry Goldwater , US Politician Jewish
o Jorge Sampaio, President Portugal Jewish
o Herb Gray, Canadian Deputy - PM Jewish
o Pierre Mendes, French PM Jewish
o Michael Howard, British Home Sec. Jewish
o Bruno Kriesky, Austrian Chancellor Jewish
o Robert Rubin , US Sec of Treasury Jewish

Global Media Influential
o Wolf Blitzer, CNN Jewish
o Barbara Walters ABC News Jewish
o EugeneMeyer , Washington Post Jewish
o Henry Grunwald, Time Magazine Jewish
o Katherine Graham , Washington Post Jewish
o Joseph Lelyeld, New York Times Jewish
o Max Frankel, New York Times Jewish

Global Philanthropists
o George Soros Jewish
o Walter Annenberg Jewish

Why are they powerful? why are Muslims powerless?
Here's another reason. We have lost the capacity to produce knowledge.

o In the entire Muslim World (57 Muslim Countries) there are only 500 universities.
o In USA alone, 5,758 universities
o In India alone, 8,407 universities
o Not one university in the entire Islamic World features in the Top 500 Ranking Universities of the World
o Literacy in the Christian World 90%
o Literacy in the Muslim World 40%
o 15 Christian majority-countries, literacy rate 100%
o Muslim majority - countries , None
o 98% in Christian countries completed primary
o Only 50% in Muslim countries completed primary.
o 40% in Christian countries attended university
o In Muslim countries a dismal 2% attended.
o Muslim majority countries have 230 scientists per one million Muslims
o The USA has 5000 per million
o The Christian world 1000 technicians per million.
o Entire Arab World only 50 technicians per million.
o Muslim World spends on research/development 0.2% of GDP
o Christian World spends 5 % of GDP

o The Muslim World lacks the capacity to produce knowledge.

Another way of testing the degree of knowledge is the degree of diffusing knowledge.

o Pakistan 23 daily newspapers per 1000 citizens
o Singapore 460 per 1000 citizens.
o In UK book titles per million is 2000
o In Egypt book titles per million is only 17

o Muslim World is failing to diffuse knowledge

Applying Knowledge is another such test.
o Exports of high tech products from Pakistan is 0.9% of its exports.
o In Saudi Arabia is 0.2%
o Kuwait , Morocco and Algeria 0.3%
o Singapore alone is 68%

o Muslim World is failing to apply knowledge.

What do you conclude? no need to tell the figures are speaking themselves very loudly we are unable to listen
Please educate yourself and your children. always promote education, don't compromise on it, don't ignore your children's slightest misguidance from education (and please, for God's Sake, don't use your personal contacts or sources to promote your children in their education; if they fail, let them and make them learn to pass; b/c if they can't do it now, they can't ever).
We are World's biggest and strongest nation, all we need is to identify and explore our ownselves. Our victory is with our knowledge, our creativity, our literacy...And nothing else.
....Wake up...

For The Non-Muslims - What Is Islam?

Assalammualaikum w.b.t.

Praise be to Allah, Benediction and Peace be on the Messenger of Allah, his family, his companions, and his adherents.
What Is Islam?
"Did you think that We had created you in play, and that you would not be returned unto Us?"
The noble Qur'an, Al-Muminoon(23):115.

What Does "Islam" Mean?

The word "Islam" itself means "Submission to Allah." The religion of Islam is not named after a person as in the case of "Christianity" which was named after Jesus Christ, "Buddhism" after Gutama Buddha , "Marxism" after Karl Marx, and "Confucianism" after Confucius.
Similarly, Islam is not named after a tribe like "Judaism" after the tribe of Judah and "Hinduism" after the Hindus. The Arabic word "Islam" means the submission or surrender of one's will to the will of the only true god worthy of worship, "Allah"

Anyone who does indeed submit to the will of Allah as required by Islam is termed a "Muslim," which means one who has submitted to the will of Allah. Many people in the West have developed the sad misinformed trend of calling Islam "Muhammadenism" and it's followers "Muhammadins." This is a totally foreign word to Muslims and unrecognized by them. No Muslim has ever called his religion "Muhammadenism" or called himself a "Muhammadin."

What Is The Basic Concept of Islam?

Islam teaches us that this life is a life of worship. We are placed on this earth in order to worship Allah and obey His command. During this earthly life we are subjected to a series of trials. We have the option of enduring these trials and conforming to certain laws, and our reward will be great in the next life, or we may decline to endure these trials and choose to not conform to the law, then we will be made to regret it in the next life.

Each person will be solely and completely responsible for their own final reward. We are also told that Allah has designed these laws to make this life a better, safer, and more tolerable one for us. If we elect to conform to them then we will see the result in this life even before moving on to the next.

We are told that the earthly life is a life of faith and work, and the next life is one of reward and no work. We have been placed on this earth to worship Allah, fast, pray, be industrious, good, kind, respectful, and a source of uprightness and morality. We are told that Allah has no need of our worship. Our worship can not increase the kingdom of Allah nor add to His power, however, it is in our best interests both in this life and the next that we do.

Unlike some other religions which claim that Allah entered in a covenant with a certain group of people and that this group is genetically better than all other human beings, or closer to Allah, Islam on the other hand teaches that no color, race, tribe, or lineage is better than any other. Islam teaches that all humans are equal in the sight of Allah and that the only thing that can distinguish them in His sight is their piety and worship.

"O humankind! Verily! We have created you from a male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that you may know one another. Verily! the noblest among you in the sight of Allah is the most God-fearing. Verily! Allah is The Knower, The Aware." The noble Qur'an, Al-Hujrat(49):13.

Levels of Islam

Islam consists of three levels, each building upon the lower ones. They are:

1) Islam :

- Testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
- Establish the daily prayers
- Pay Zakat (Obligatory charity due the poor)
- Observe the fast of Ramadan
- Perform pilgrimage to the Ka'aba (in Makkah ) once in your life if you are able

2) Faith (Iman):

- To believe in Allah
- To believe in His angels
- To believe in His Books (Scriptures)
- To believe in His Messengers
- To believe in the Day of Judgment
- To believe in the Divine Decree (Divine fate) whether good or evil

3) Excellence/Goodness (Ihsan )

To worship Allah (God) as if you see Him, for if you can not see Him, He assuredly sees you.
In Sahih Muslim, Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al-Khattab narrated:

"My father, Umar ibn al-Khattab, told me: One day we were sitting in the company of Allah's Apostle (pbuh) when there appeared before us a man dressed in pure white clothes, his hair was extraordinarily black. There were no signs of travel on him, but none among us recognized him.
This man came and sat beside the Apostle (pbuh) kneeling before him and placing his palms on his thighs. He then said: Muhammad, inform me about al-Islam.

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: Islam implies that you testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and you establish prayer, pay Zakat, observe the fast of Ramadan, and perform pilgrimage to the (House) if you are solvent enough (to bear the expense of) the journey.

He (the inquirer) said: You have told the truth.
He (Umar ibn al-Khattab) said: It amazed us that he would put the question and then he would himself verify the truth.
He (the inquirer) said: Inform me about Iman (faith). He (the Holy Prophet) replied: That you affirm your faith in Allah, in His angels, in His Books, in His Apostles, in the Day of Judgment, and you affirm your faith in the Divine Decree, either good and evil.

He (the inquirer) said: You have told the truth. He (the inquirer) again said: Inform me about al-Ihsan (performance of good deeds).
He (the Holy Prophet) said: That you worship Allah as if you are seeing Him, for though you don't see Him, He, verily, sees you. He (the inquirer) again said: Inform me about the hour (of the judgment).
He (the Holy Prophet) remarked: The one who is asked knows no more than the one who is inquiring (about it).
He (the inquirer) said: Tell me some of its indications.
He (the Holy Prophet) said: That the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress and master, and that you will find barefooted, destitute goat-herders vying with one another in the construction of magnificent buildings.

He (the narrator, Umar ibn al-Khattab) said: Then he (the inquirer) went on his way but I stayed with the messenger of Allah for a long while. The prophet Muhammad then, said to me: Umar, do you know who this inquirer was? I replied: Allah and His Apostle know best.
He (the Holy Prophet) remarked: He was Gabriel (the angel). He came to you in order to instruct you in your religion."

What Are The Pillars of Islam?

Islam is built upon five major pillars. A Muslim is taught that anyone who dies observing these five basic pillars will enter heaven. As mentioned, they are:

(1) To bear witness that there is no entity worthy of worship except Allah alone, and that Muhammad (pbuh) was His messenger. This establishes obedience to God Almighty alone.

(2) To perform five prescribed prayers to Allah every day according to a specific prescribed method and at specific prescribed times. This continually reminds us to bear Allah in mind in all actions, either before or after any given prayer.

(3) To pay two and a half percent (2.5%) of ones wealth to charity every year if their savings exceed a certain minimum level which is considered above the poverty level. (This is the basic concept, the actual calculation is a little more complex - please refer to Pusat Zakat).

(4) To fast the month of Ramadhan (from the Islamic Lunar calendar) every year from sun rise until sunset. This involves not eating, drinking, or having marital relations, from sun rise until sun set.

(5) To perform a pilgrimage to Makkah (in the Arabian Peninsula) once in a Muslim's lifetime if it is financially possible and their health permits. During this period, Muslims come from all over the world to join together for six days in a prescribed set of acts of worship. All Muslim men are mandated to wear the same garment which was designed to be very plain, simple, and cheap to obtain.

Mu'ad ibn Jabal said: I said to Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him): Inform me about an act which would entitle me to enter into Paradise, and distance me from the Hell-Fire.

He (the Prophet) said:

"You have asked me about a matter [which ostensibly appears to be] difficult but it is easy for those for whom Allah, the Exalted, has made it easy. Worship Allah and do not associate anything with him, establish prayer, pay the Zakat, observe the fast of Ramadhan and perform Hajj to the House (Ka'aba)." (Narrated by Ahmed, al-Tirmathy, and ibn Majah)

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Muslims are taught that prophets are humans who have been selected by Allah for a special purpose. They are given miracles to assist them in their message but these miracles are not performed through their own power, but through the power of God. The prophets of Allah have no divine powers of their own, nor even the power to decide who will go to heaven or to hell. They are merely there to convey the message entrusted to them by Allah to the best of their ability.

In a similar manner, Muhammad (pbuh) was assisted by Allah with a number of miracles and entrusted to convey His message to mankind. Muhammad (pbuh) himself, however, was just a regular human being. He could not issue passes to heaven. He could not condemn people to hell. He could not change what was in people's hearts. He could only convey the message and hope that they would believe.

Muhammad (pbuh) lived like any other man or woman of his people. He dressed like they dressed. He ate the same food they ate. He lived in the same manner and in the same sort of houses they did. It would be impossible for someone who did not know him to pick him out of a crowd.

Muhammad (pbuh) taught his followers through example. If he commanded his followers to do something, he would be the first to abide by this command. He never broke his word, he was by far the most charitable man among his people. He was the most God-fearing and the least attached to this life.

He never in his life accepted charity, but worked for a living. He never lied. It was not at all uncommon for him to spend months on end enduring severe hunger never seeing a single cooked meal. He taught his followers to be merciful to their children and respectful to their elders. He commanded them to never taste alcohol, gamble, engage in usury (interest), fornication, envy, deceit, or back-biting.

Muhammad (pbuh) taught that no human being needs any other human being to intercede for him with Allah. He showed them that Allah is within the reach of all his creation. He hears and sees all and answers His servant's prayers.

Muhammad (pbuh) further severely cautioned against promoting any of God's creation or groups thereof to higher levels of divine authority and closeness to Allah than others, or the excessive glorification of any human being. This includes the prophets of God themselves. He taught that the very best of God's servants are those who continuously seek out knowledge and that Allah sees all that they do.

Muhammad (pbuh) taught his followers to be industrious and to earn an honest living. He taught them that the best Muslims are those who are not overly obsessed with earthly wealth since excessive wealth usually leads to corruption.

However, he also taught that a wealthy person who is not blinded by his wealth is not condemned by Allah and may even be able to utilize his wealth in acts of worship not available to the poor. In other words, Muhammad (pbuh) taught moderation in all things.

There is much more that could be said about the teachings of Muhammad (pbuh), however, probably one of the most general summaries made by Muhammad (pbuh) in this regard was:

"Righteousness is good conduct, and sin is that which weaves inside your chest and you hate for it to be revealed to mankind."

No 'Religious' Hierarchy

In Islam, there is no hierarchy of religious leadership such as the people of some other religions may have come to expect. There are no priests, bishops, monks, Popes, ...etc. Muslims define a scholar of Islam as an 'Imam' (not to be confused with the "Imams" of Iran who claim to have boundless supernatural powers and divine attributes). In any given neighborhood, the Imam is the person that a Muslim seeks for religious rulings.

For example, if a Muslim dies and his sons want to distribute his inheritance, they go to the Imam and he presents them with the verses of the Qur'an and the Sunnah which describe the required procedure. This man will also usually give religious lectures to teach the Qur'an and the Sunnah.

The Muslim Imams and scholars have no special divine powers. They cannot forgive sins. They do not receive divine "inspirations." They cannot issue passes to heaven. They do not have knowledge of the unseen. The can not change the law. They are just regular Muslims who have distinguished themselves with their study and their knowledge.

No Monasticism (monkhood)

Islam commands Muslims to obey Allah and follow his command. It specifies acts of worship which are acceptable. It encourages Muslims to work and be industrious. It forbids 'monkhood ' and excessive 'spritualization' or 'Zen' and other such practices. A Muslim is commanded not to forbid upon himself that which was made lawful by Allah, nor to introduce new and innovative acts of worship into the religion.

This means that a Muslim should not decide that even though Islam allows marriage, he will forbid it upon himself and remain celibate (he may choose not to marry, but he can not forbid it upon himself). If he wishes to perform extra worship, there are many avenues open to him, such as nightly prayer, charity, abstinence from sin....etc.

Muhammad (pbuh) once gave the example of two men. One was practicing monasticism and excessive worship, totally detaching himself from this worldly life. The other was working for a living and paying for the food and drink that the "monk" was consuming each day. Muhammad (pbuh) told his followers that the man who was making an honest living and supporting the 'monk' was greater in reward in the eyes of Allah.

The Law

Islam, like Judaism, is a structured set of laws and commandments. The basis of Islam is the five pillars mentioned previously. Anyone who dies observing the five pillars will enter heaven. Anyone who does not may enter Hell (there are exceptions). However, there are many subtle levels both above and below these. These levels are governed by the law.

Islam teaches us that Muslims will be rewarded in proportion to their good deeds, their restraint from evil deeds, and their faith. In this manner we will have people who will enter different levels of heaven, as well as different levels of hell, in direct proportion to their faith and deeds.

We learn about the laws of Islam from the Qur'an and the Sunnah. The Qur'an is the Holy book of Islam which contains the words of Allah Almighty and the broad guidelines of Islam. The Sunnah, is the traditions of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which included both his words and his actions.

The Sunnah usually provides the details for those laws which are drawn out in broad outlines in the Qur'an. Each one of these two sources has a dedicated and very complex science associated with it.

"And We have sent down unto you (O Muhammad) the Reminder (one of the names of the Qur'an), that you may clarify to mankind that which was sent down to them" The noble Qur'an, Al-Nahil(16):44

Al-Bukhari narrated upon the authority of Abu Hurairah, that he said: Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said:

"Allah said: 'I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a pious worshipper of Mine. And the most beloved things with which My slave draws nearer to Me is that which I have ordained upon him. My slave continues to draw closer to Me through performing 'Nawafil' (supplementary worship) till I love him.

So I become the sense of hearing with which he hears, and the sense of sight with which he sees, and the hand with which he grips, and the leg with which he walks. And if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks my protection, I will protect him'"

The Way of Life

Islam is not the same as some other religions from the point of view that it is not confined to a certain place of worship or a certain act, or acts, of worship. Islam teaches it's followers that every single aspect of their life, from eating, to drinking, to sleeping, and everything in-between can be done in one of two ways: Either a way that pleases God, or one that displeases Him.

Islam is also a social, economic, and political way of life. Every single aspect of human existence is governed by the law of Islam. A Muslim is commanded to respect his elders and to show humility and respect to his parents. He is also commanded to show kindness and mercy to those who are younger or weaker than himself as well as all of God's beasts.

A Muslim is commanded to have nothing whatsoever to do with usury, gambling, or alcohol. A Muslim, however, is not passive and weak. He is commanded that if he sees the laws of God being violated or an injustice being committed, he must stand up for the truth and fight to establish the law of God, defend the oppressed, and establish justice and peace.

A Just But Merciful Law

Islam, as mentioned above, involves a structured set of laws and acts of worship. Some are more strict and rigid than others. For instance, there can be no excuse whatsoever for worshipping any entity other than Allah alone. Here there is no room for compromise. On the other hand, Islam is designed to also be flexible and lenient.

For instance, if a Muslim is sick and can not fast during the month of Ramadhan without incurring bodily harm to himself, then even though this is one of the five pillars of Islam , he is not mandated to fast. In fact he is encouraged not to fast. The law allows for leniency in this, and most other cases.

Muslims are taught that each good deed is multiplied by Allah Almighty till it becomes the equivalent of anywhere from ten up to seven hundred similar good deeds (sometimes more). An evil deed, however, is either counted as a single evil deed or is forgiven by Allah.

A Muslim is further taught that as long as there is life there is hope. So long as death has not yet overcome him, he can still repent from his evil deeds and, if his intentions are sincere, Allah is willing to forgive all of his past evil deeds no matter if they exceed the drops of water in the ocean.

Islam teaches Muslims that God holds them responsible for their INTENTIONS and not necessarily for their DEEDS. This is revealed by the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the following saying which was narrated by Umar ibn al-Khattab in Sahih Al-Bukhari:

"The Prophet (pbuh) said, "O people! The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions, and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So, whoever emigrated for Allah and His Messenger, then his emigration was for Allah and His Messenger, and whoever emigrated to achieve a worldly benefit or for a woman to marry, then his emigration was for that which he emigrated for".

"The good deed and the evil deed are not alike. Repel the evil deed with one which is better"
The noble Qur'an, Fussilat(41):34

"Verily! Allah does not forgive that a partner should be ascribed unto Him. He forgives (all) save that to whom He will. Whoso ascribes partners to Allah, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin."
The noble Qur'an, Al-Nissa(4):48.

"Whatever of misfortune strikes you, it is what your right hands have earned. And He forgives much."
The noble Qur'an, Al-Shurah(42):30

"And those who, when they do an evil thing or wrong themselves, remember Allah and implore forgiveness for their sins. Who forgives sins save Allah only? and they do not knowingly repeat (the wrong) they did. The reward of such will be forgiveness from their Lord, and Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide for ever, a bountiful reward for workers!" The noble Qur'an, A'al-Umran(3):135-136.

"He knows the treachery of the eyes, and that which the chests do hide." The noble Qur'an, Ghafir(40):19.

"He is the One that accepts repentance from His Servants and forgives sins: and He knows all that you do." The noble Qur'an, Al-Shurah(42):25.

"The likeness of those who spend their wealth in Allah's way is as the likeness of a grain which grows seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom He will. Allah is All Embracing, All Knowing." The noble Qur'an, al-Bakarah(2):261

"Say: My slaves who have been prodigal to their own hurt! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, Who forgives all sins. Lo! He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. Turn unto Him repentant, and surrender unto Him, before there comes unto you the doom, when you cannot be helped. And follow the better (guidance) of that which is revealed unto you from your Lord, before the doom comes on you suddenly when you know not, Lest any soul should say Alas, my grief that I was unmindful of Allah, and I was indeed among the scoffers! Or should say: if Allah had but guided me I should have been among the dutiful! Or should say, when it sees the doom: Oh, that I had but a second chance that I might be among the righteous! (But now the answer will be): Nay, for My revelations came unto you, but you denied them and were scornful and were among the disbelievers." The noble Qur'an, Al-Zumar(39):53-59.

Abu Hurairah narrated that Allah's messenger (pbuh) said

"When Allah completed the creation, He wrote in His Book which is with Him on His throne: Verily, 'My Mercy has overcome my Anger'."
Narrated in Sahih Al-Bukhari.

Abu Hurairah furhter narrated : I heard Allah's messenger (pbuh) saying:

"Allah has divided His Mercy into one hundred parts, and He kept ninety nine parts with Him and sent down one part on the earth, and because of that one single part, His creatures are merciful to each other, so that even the mare lifts up it's hoof away from it's baby animal, lest it should trample it."
Narrated in Sahih al-Bukhari.

Names of God

The people of Christianity have been taught to refer to their deity as "God." If you were to ask one of them: "What is your god's name?," they would respond "God!" (there are some exceptions). They object to Muslims worshipping "Allah," and usually picture "Allah" as some pagan god. Some of them will even go so far as to curse "Allah," not realizing that they are cursing "God."

Now the question becomes: where did the name "God" come from? Did Jesus (pbuh) ever say "God"? Did Moses (pbuh) ever say "God"? No! The Jews and Arabs are both Semitic tribes which descended from one father, Abraham (pbuh). Their languages are quite similar.

The Old Testament tells us that Moses (pbuh) referred to God as "El" or "Elohiym." Jesus (pbuh) too, referred to God using a similar construct. Jesus (pbuh) spoke Aramaic, however, the ancient copies of the Gospel available to us today are mostly written in Greek.

Very little of Jesus' actual words have been preserved to this day. However, we do know from Mark 15:34 that Jesus (pbuh) referred to God as "Eloi." "Eloi" is an Aramaic word which means "My God." It is pronounced as {el-o-ee'}. The Arabs would say the same word as "Elahi," pronounced {el-ah-ee'}. So Muslims refer to God with virtually the exact same word Jesus (pbuh) used.

Muslims are taught that Allah Almighty has more than one hundred names, the most well known among them being "Allah." These names are to be found in many places throughout the Qur'an. They embody the major characteristics of Allah Almighty such as "The Gracious," "The Merciful," "The Majestic," "The Supreme"...etc.. These names are usually considered adjectives, unless they are applied to Allah Himself, in which case they are treated as proper nouns. For instance:

"Allah's are the fairest names. Invoke Him by them. And leave the company of those who blaspheme His names. They will be requited what they do."
The noble Qur'an, Al-Aaraf(7):180.

"Say (unto mankind): Supplicate unto Allah, or supplicate unto the 'Rahman' (Compassionate/Merciful/Gracious), unto whichever you supplicate (it is the same). His are the most beautiful names."
The noble Qur'an, al-Isra(17):110.

"Allah! There is no god save Him. His are the most beautiful names." The noble Qur'an, Taha(20):8.

"Not equal are the Companions of the Fire and the Companions of the Garden: The companions of the Garden, they are the triumphant. Had We sent down this Qur'an on a mountain verily you would have seen it humble, rent asunder for fear of Allah. Such are the similitudes which We propound to humanity that they may reflect. He is Allah, other than whom there is no other god, He is the 'Knower' of (all things) both the unseen and the seen; He is the 'Gracious' the 'Merciful'. He is Allah, other than whom there is no god, the 'Sovereign' the 'Holy One' the (source of) 'Peace,' the 'Guardian of Faith' the 'Overseer,' the 'Majestic,' the 'Irresistible,' the 'Supreme': Glory be to Allah! (highly exalted is He) above the partners they attribute to Him. He is Allah the 'Creator,' the 'Innovator,' the 'Fashioner'. His are the Most Beautiful Names: Whatever is in the heavens and on earth do glorify Him: and He is the 'Mighty' the 'Wise'."
The noble Qur'an, al-Hashir (59):20-24.

May Allah guide you on your journey to all truth. Ameen. And May He open your heart and your mind to the reality of this world and the purpose of this life, ameen.

Peace to you and Guidance from Allah the One Almighty God, Creator and Sustainer of all that exists.

By : Muhammad Nazir. (khalifah of Allah)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

MERCY Malaysia appeals to the public to donate to the PALESTINE RELIEF FUND

MERCY Malaysia appeals to the public to donate to the PALESTINE RELIEF FUND

MERCY Malaysia has initiated an emergency response assessment team on the 30th December 2008 to Egypt in response tothe humanitarian crisis resulting from the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, which has killed more than 300 people and wounded more than 1,500 people. The team, aimed at conducting a rapid assessment of the humanitarian needs, will be led by MERCY Malaysia President Datuk Dr. Jemilah Mahmood and EXCO Member Norazam Ab Samah. We appeal to concerned Malaysians to send in cash donations. MERCY Malaysia's basis of assistance to the beneficiaries relies on the support and generosity of individuals such as you to contribute to the PALESTINE RELIEF FUND. It will support our efforts to procure emergency surgical kits, additional medicine and hospital equipment which will be channeled to the affected communities in Gaza. PALESTINE RELIEF FUND Cheque payable to MERCY MALAYSIA CIMB Account No : 1424-000-6561053 You can also download our donation form. Download Donation Form For more information please contact 03-2273 3999 or email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .

MERCY Malaysia appeals to the public to donate to the PALESTINE RELIEF FUND

MERCY Malaysia has initiated an emergency response assessment team on the 30th December 2008 to Egypt in response tothe humanitarian crisis resulting from the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, which has killed more than 300 people and wounded more than 1,500 people. The team, aimed at conducting a rapid assessment of the humanitarian needs, will be led by MERCY Malaysia President Datuk Dr. Jemilah Mahmood and EXCO Member Norazam Ab Samah. We appeal to concerned Malaysians to send in cash donations. MERCY Malaysia's basis of assistance to the beneficiaries relies on the support and generosity of individuals such as you to contribute to the PALESTINE RELIEF FUND. It will support our efforts to procure emergency surgical kits, additional medicine and hospital equipment which will be channeled to the affected communities in Gaza. PALESTINE RELIEF FUND Cheque payable to MERCY MALAYSIA CIMB Account No : 1424-000-6561053 You can also download our donation form. Download Donation Form For more information please contact 03-2273 3999 or email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .